The ICAE November Graduation Ceremony was held on Thursday, 29 November from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.

More than 30 students from different countries received their qualifications in Commercial Cookery and Hospitality. France consulate Ms Zoe Marcham, Philippines consulate Mr John Rivas AM and Mrs Edna Rivas, suppliers and school friends, NTG representatives including StudyNT and MigrationNT, graduates’ industry placement employers, family and friends, Hospitality Industry stakeholders and leaders (Hospitality NT, Culinary Federation, ACPET, etc) also attended this special occasion. Hospitality NT CEO, Des Crowe hosted the ceremony.
Sean Mahoney, CEO of ICAE gave an opening speech followed by Benita Malan, Principal, who delivered a beautiful speech congratulating graduates’ achievements: “Having goals to achieve is always important and the qualification you receive today will open many doors into the future – for some this may be returning to ICAE next semester to continue their learning pathway. Whatever your choices, continue to set goals as they give your life direction and boost your motivation and self confidence.”
Martijn Van Tricht, Nolwenn Le Bleiz, and Gellie Magdalena, who were class representatives from Certificate III Commercial Cookery, Certificate IV Hospitality and Diploma of Hospitality did brief speeches on behalf of their classmates. “I want to advise the next batch of students in hospitality and cookery to never lose hope. Do what you love. The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it. Life is short. Live your dream and wear your passion.” Gellie said during her speech.
Graduates came to the stage one by one to receive certificates and a special graduation gift – a silver spoon with a ICAE logo – and have their pictures taken with Sean on stage. A class shot was taken for each qualification.
Congratulations go to Laura Thal, winner of the ICAE Industry Placement Student of the Year Award and Nolwenn Regina Le Bleiz, winner of the ICAE Student of the Year Award. Winners were selected based on their Industry Placement and class performance, as well as employers and tutors’ comments. Benita presented the awards and took pictures with them individually.
During the ceremony, Sean presented a Certificate of Appreciation to each IP employer present as well. Industry placement is an important component of the ICAE Hospitality courses, especially for international students. We want to thank all industry placement employers for their generous help taking students for the industry placement this year.
Current III Commercial Cookery students designed and prepared a special menu for this ceremony, and Hospitality students set up the venue and served the guests.

Just wanna input on few general things, The website design is perfect, the subject matter is rattling superb : D. Drona Maurise Pearce